5 Exercises That Can Help Manage Diabetes and Sugars

5 Exercises That Can Help Manage Diabetes and Sugars

If you have diabetes, it is essential to make exercise a regular part of your routine to help control your symptoms, weight, and blood sugars. Exercise also lowers the risk of stroke, heart attack, and cardiovascular problems and improves your general well-being and health. According to the American Diabetes Association,  diabetes patients taking medications like Ozempic, Mounjaro, semaglutide, jardiance, Bydureon, Trulicity, and Invokana should also spend at least 150 minutes weekly doing moderate-intensity exercises. Here are five fitness activities you can engage in to manage diabetes and sugars:

1. Biking

According to research, around half of patients with type 2 diabetes have arthritis. Unfortunately, the two conditions come with other health risks, such as obesity and diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy damages the nerves and causes joint pain in type 2 diabetic patients. If you experience pain in the lower joints, engaging in low-impact exercises such as biking would be best. It will help you achieve your fitness goals and minimize joint strains.

2. Weight training

You can engage in weight training and other strengthening activities to burn calories and build muscle mass. Weight lifting may also help you control your blood sugar. You can incorporate weight machines, heavy household items, or free weights in your weekly exercise routine. Consider going for weightlifting lessons or talking to a professional to know how to effectively and safely lift weights.

3. Walking or hiking

It is unnecessary to buy expensive exercise equipment or pay for a gym membership to start working out. You only need to get comfortable shoes and a place to walk. You can walk alone or in the company of your loved ones to make the experience more enjoyable. You may also organize a hiking experience with people with similar interests and have fun as you keep fit. The activities can enable you to reach the recommended 30-minute aerobic fitness per week.

4. Aquatic activities

Aquatic activities suit people with diabetes because they don’t strain their joints like other exercises. They also enable you to work your lower and upper body muscles simultaneously. Water exercises such as swimming laps, aqua aerobics, water jogging, and others can help your lungs, heart, and muscles to work out without stressing the joints. They can also help you lower cholesterol and burn calories. If you find a lifeguard on duty, tell them you have diabetes before you get into the water.

5. Getting Help from a personal trainer

A personal trainer can bring the change you need while suffering from diabetes. Physical activities play a significant role in diabetes management, and a personal trainer can guide their clients to get enough weight training and aerobic exercises. It would be best if you met with your trainer regularly to discuss the best fitness activities depending on your health condition. They will push you to keep going, especially if you’ve just started exercising or are reluctant to follow an exercise program.

Exercise is essential for everyone, but more so for people suffering from different health conditions such as diabetes. If you have diabetes, exercising can help you manage your blood sugar and weight. However, contact your doctor before starting any new fitness activity to get a guide on the best for your health situation. Additionally, ensure you remain hydrated before, during, and after exercising.

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