5 Common Symptoms Linked to Afib

5 Common Symptoms Linked to Afib

Atrial fibrillation, abbreviated as aFib, is a coronary condition that manifests in the form of an irregular heartbeat. The irregular beating of the heart interferes with the normal flow of blood, putting the individual at risk of stroke, blot clots, and heart failure. The condition can be temporary or permanent and mostly affects senior citizens.
Common symptoms of atrial fibrillation may range from palpitations, chest pains, fatigue to breathing difficulties. Read on to discover the five common symptoms of this condition:

1. Heart palpitations
A healthy individual over the age of twelve will normally have an average heartbeat ranging between sixty to a hundred beats per minute. Palpitation is a sensation where the patient feels like their heart is pounding, racing, or skipping a beat. The affected individual becomes aware of the palpitations via their neck, throat, and chest. The irregular heart rhythms may resolve on their own without the need for treatment. However, persistent palpitations can be an indication of a severe underlying condition. Palpitations can arise due to strenuous exercise, prolonged use of nicotine products, excessive alcohol consumption, and anemia. Expectant mothers may also experience palpitations due to hormonal imbalance. Affected individuals should visit a cardiologist for a thorough physical examination whenever the palpitations persist.

2. Chest pain and pressure
Chest pain is a common symptom associated with severe aFib. Persistent chest pain can also signal an impending heart attack and other underlying heart conditions. Sudden chest pain accompanied by shortness of breath, nausea, and fatigue are often the early signs of a heart attack. The chest pain can manifest in the form of sharp pain accompanied by chest tightness and pressure. This throbbing pain arises when there is a blockage (i.e., a clot) in one or several arteries supplying blood to the heart. This blockage starves the heart muscles of oxygenated blood, causing immense pain in the chest region.

3. Dizziness and fainting
Patients with atrial fibrillation can experience dizziness. Affected individuals often feel lightheaded and unstable. Severe dizziness can interfere with the normal functions of sensory organs such as eyes and ears, leading to fainting. Mild and occasional dizziness should not raise much alarm. The drop in blood pressure that arises due to irregular heart rhythms can cause fainting. However, patients should not hesitate to visit a heart specialist if the feeling of light-heartedness persists.

4. Shortness of breath
Patients diagnosed with atrial fibrillation can experience breathing difficulties. However, breathing difficulties that arise after an intense workout session do not fall into this category. One can experience breathing difficulties due to anxiety and stress. However, frequent and sudden instances of breathing discomfort can signal severe underlying heart complications. You should disclose any breathing difficulties with your cardiologist.

5. Excessive sweating
Profuse sweating that is not a result of exercise, intense activity, or heat can be an early warning sign of atrial fibrillation. Clogging of the arteries causes the heart to strain when pumping blood throughout the body. The extra thumbing effort of the heart causes the body to sweat more than usual to regulate the body temperature.

Irregular heartbeat, excessive sweating, dizziness, fainting, heart palpitations, and breathing difficulties are some of the most common symptoms of AFib. Individuals with AFib are at a higher risk of having stroke and heart failure than normal individuals.

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